of Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF)

Sustainable Fish Asia Project (SUFIA)

Local Capacity Development Activity (LCDA) Project



The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) is a multilateral partnership of six countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste) working together to sustain extraordinary marine and coastal resources by addressing crucial issues such as food security, climate change and marine biodiversity.

Under the USAID Sustainable Fish Asia Project (SUFIA) Local Capacity Development Activity (LCDA) Project, CTI-CFF will enhance its managerial, operational, and overall organizational capacity In addition, implementation of this project will also enhance CTI[1]CFF and RS’s capacity and performance in serving the constituents, working toward CTI[1]CFF mission to achieve results, and increase the viability to grow and diversify resources through effective partner engagement.


Under this SUFIA grant, a consultant shall be hired to provide training/workshop on communication strategies in socializing CTI-CFF advocacies including GESI. It is expected that after the workshop, RS and CT6 member countries will be able to utilize any of the strategies learned in communicating CTI-CFF advocacies inclusive of GESI.



The objectives of the consultancy are to:

1. Design the content of a Workshop on Communication Strategies in Socializing CTI[1]CFF Advocacies inclusive of GESI for RS staff and CT6 member countries

2. Facilitate a training workshop for RS staff and representatives from CT6 Member Countries on Communication Strategies in Socializing CTi-CFF Advocacies inclusive of GESI

3. Prepare a report on the training workshop on communication strategies, which shall include workshop evaluation from the participants and recommendations on the way forward

4. Develop at least two communication knowledge products based on the outputs from the workshop


Scope of Work

In close coordination with the Communication Unit of the Regional Secretariat and WLF, if deemed necessary, the scope of work of the Consultant are based on the below activities (stated in Activity 3 in the workplan of delivery- 1)


Activity 3. Development of strategies and communication materials

Sub Activity 3.1 Develop strategies to strengthen CTI-CFF advocacies inclusive of GESI

1. Design the content of the communication strategies workshop in coordination with the Communication Unit of the Regional Secretariat

2. Conduct a workshop among RS staff and CT6 member countries to discuss communication strategies on how to socialize and promote CTI-CFF advocacies including GESI in the CT region and globally;

3. Ensure GESI concepts are integrated into the workshops and communication strategies.

4. Prepare a detailed workshop report which shall include evaluation from the participants and recommendations on the way forward


Sub Activity 3.2 Production of and dissemination of communication materials and knowledge products to advocate for and disseminate CTI-CFF goals and activities.

1. Using the insights from the communication strategies training workshop, design and and develop at least two (2) communication knowledge products to operationalize the strategies agreed upon in Sub-Activity 3.1;

2. Submit at least two (2) communication knowledge products to the Regional Secretariat for approval of concerned officials and for dissemination by RS to its target audiences.



1. University degree, preferably in Communications Sciences, Mass Communications, social sciences or an equivalent combination of training and experience.

2. A minimum of 10 years work experience in the areas of communication or marketing projects development and or coordination

3. A minimum of five years’ experience in conducting trainings/facilitation of workshops for international organizations, government and/or media practitioners

4. Extensive work experience and proven track record in advocacy, policy, social campaign, strategic management

5. Demonstrate experience of having undertaken similar assignments

6. Good communication and facilitation skills

7. GESI awareness and sensitivity to gender issue



The main deliverables through this consultancy are,

1. Design of the training workshop on Communication Strategies in Socializing CTI[1]CFF Advocacies inclusive of GESI inclusive of GESI inclusive of the objectives,

target participants, methodology, and proposed date of the workshop

2. Facilitate training workshop

3. Report of the Training Workshop on Communication Strategies in Socializing CTI[1]CFF Advocacies inclusive of GESI

4. At least two (2) Communication knowledge products based on insights from the workshop



A. Company or Individual Profile

Please provide the following information:

• If company, a brief summary of your organization including size and structure

• If individual, a brief description of professional experience

• Qualifications, background and experience of staff to be assigned to the activity

• Prior experience in handling human resource management in international organizations/international governmental organizations

• List/sample of clients from international organizations and services provided


B. Evaluation

• All proposals will be reviewed, evaluated and rated based on the following:

• Qualifications

• Conflict of interest

• Experience with similar activities

• Pricing

C. Proposal Submission


Please submit your proposal with your quotation signed by the head of firm or duly authorized representative to email: not later than 12 November 2021, 5 p.m. (Manado time)



The consultant is required to respect strict confidentiality for any information relating to scope of work. No reproduction/dissemination of the report shall be carried out without prior knowledge and consent of the Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF. Failure to comply with this clause will result in the termination of the consultancy services. This strict confidentiality remains the rule, without limitation, after the end of the assignment.