VACANCY USAID IUWASH Tangguh: Individual Consultant for Study of Target 100% Achievement Strategy in 6 Cities



USAID Indonesia Urban Resilient Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (USAID IUWASH Tangguh) is a five-year Activity to advance Indonesia’s development goals in increasing access to safely managed drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in vulnerable urban areas and strengthening climate-resilient WASH services and water resources management. In close partnership with the Government of Indonesia (GOI), USAID IUWASH Tangguh supports Indonesia’s work to achieve their Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets to ensure access to water and sanitation for all (SDG 6) and to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable (SDG 11).


Using an Integrated Resilient IUWASH Systems (IRIS) approach—which aligns actions and incentives between upstream and downstream actors, while crowding in collaboration with key stakeholders through partnerships that accelerate the enabling environment and key enabling factors, such as finance and data—the USAID IUWASH Tangguh team will provide technical assistance to GOI, private sector and civil society stakeholders to achieve four objectives: 1) Strengthened WASH and WRM Sector Governance and Financing; 2) Increased Access to Poor-Inclusive, Climate-Resilient, Safely Managed Drinking Water and Sanitation Services; 3) Improved Water Resources Management to Support Resilient Drinking Water Services; and 4) Increased Adoption of Behaviors and Improved Women’s Participation and Leadership Roles that Contribute to Improvements of WASH and WRM.


USAID IUWASH Tangguh is looking for Individual Consultant for Study of Target 100% Achievement Strategy in 6 Cities


The main objectives of this program are to :

1.       The study on achieving 100% water supply service was focused on 6 cities, including Pematang SIantar, Pontianak City, Magelang City, Salatiga City, Surabaya City and Malang City..

2.       Collecting primary data (field visits) and collecting secondary data that supports the calculation of 100% water supply services in each of the above cities, both PDAM, Non-PDAM and Non-Pipeline services. By using the assumption of both the number of Households (KK) per HC and the number of Houses per HC.

3.       Conduct studies on strategies and recommendations for the development of drinking water services to achieve the target of 100% drinking water services with pipelines.


*Detail SOW will be informed once the candidate is selected


Required Qualifications and Experience:


·       At least a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering or Sanitary Engineering or Water Supply Engineering with at least 15 years of experience in the field of Drinking Water.

·       Experienced in Developing Detail Engineering Design or Master Plan or Feasibility Study for SPAM Development.

·       Experienced in providing assistance to PDAM or SPAM Management Agency, including assistance in calculating and planning Potential Drinking Water Customer Connections.

·       Experienced in consultancy work funded by Donors or the Ministry of Public Works or SPAM Business Entities.



Applicants are encouraged to apply soon and send the application to Tangguh_recruitment@dai.comThe close date of application will be until May 14th, 2024.



DAI is a global development company with corporate offices in the United States, the United Kingdom, EU, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Palestine and project operations worldwide. We tackle fundamental social and economic development problems caused by inefficient markets, ineffective governance, and instability. DAI works on the frontlines of global development. Transforming ideas into action—action into impact. We are committed to shaping a more livable world.


DAI and its employees are committed to confronting racism and holding ourselves accountable for positive change within the company and in the communities, cultures, and countries in which we live and work.  DAI is committed to attracting and retaining the best employees from all races and backgrounds in our continued effort to become a better development partner.


DAI upholds the highest ethical standards. We are committed to the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment as well as other ethical breaches. All of our positions are therefore subject to stringent vetting and reference checks.

Head of Agriculture Solutions


Develop revenue model & business strategy, and generate revenue that can support, scale, and sustain Plaza Bertani Ecosystem
  • Create business planning, financial model, and other relevant budgeting template/model.
  • Business development and assessment for different Plaza Bertani locations.
  • Develop and implement the execution of revenue generating business activities such as agriculture solutions center, agri-business, and other business partnering with the relevant private sectors.
  • Work with the partnership and fundraising team to support the grantmaking activities from exxternal donors and sponsors.
  • Ensure deliverables are fulfilled on time and targets are achieved.
Create professionally-run farmers cooperatives as part of the Plaza Bertani Ecosystem
  • Create system: governance, business development, operations, management.
  • Train farmers to run system effectively.
  • Develop farming cooperatives businesses, for example saving money and giving loans, agri-input shop, output aggregation, seedling nursery, post-harvest processing, etc.
  • Act as a trusted advisory board for existing local farmer cooperatives, offering expertise and strategic guidance.
Build trust and long-term relationship with farmers in the Plaza Bertani Ecosystem through farmers influencing and community building
  • Build a sense of community and shared purpose with identity elements (clothing, symbols, song, motto, etc.).
  • Create membership systems to foster belonging and access to benefits.
  • Publicly recognize and reward farmers demonstrating exceptional results, motivating others.
  • Facilitate online communities (FB, WA) for ongoing engagement and knowledge exchange outside of physical meetings.
  • Facilitate regular community meetings to promote knowledge sharing and peer support among farmers
  • Conduct and track farmers’ trials and SOP adoption (induced by Farmer Field School), incentivizing success stories.
  • Identify and empower Pelopor (farmer leaders) through training-of-trainers and leadership programs.
Requirement and Qualifications
  • Bachelor or master’s degree in business, agribusiness, management, social development, or other relevant fields.
  • Minimum of 5 (five) years of professional experience in business development, business operations, team management, and community building / management.
  • Have a track record in successfully leading a project from the design phase to the implementation phase and achieving the target.
  • Having agriculture or agribusiness related background is a plus.
Expected Professional Competencies
  • Strategic thinking/visioning: able to see and communicate the big picture in an inspiring way. Determines opportunities and threats through comprehensive analysis of current and future trends.
  • Organization and planning: plans, organizes, schedules, and budgets in an efficient, productive manner. Focuses on key priorities.
  • Persistence: demonstrates tenacity and willingness to go the distance to get something done. Strong problem-solving and critical thinking skills, have the ability to make a cohesive connection and solution out of available scattered information.
  • Proactivity: acts without being told what to do. Brings new ideas to the company.
  • High standards: expects personal performance and team performance to be nothing short of the best.
  • Attention to detail: does not let important details slip through the cracks or derail a project.
  • Communication: strong written and spoken communication, able to create and deliver powerful presentation (English and Indonesian).
Expected Cultural Competencies
  • Impact and customer oriented: focus on impact for farmers and other customers (e.g. donor, external partners).
  • Collaboration: able to lead a team and work with other teams in the organization, open minded and can sense opportunities to collaborate with external stakeholders.
  • Fast-paced and entrepreneurial: be practical, able to try, evaluate, and iterate the process when developing something.
How to apply:
Please send your CV and resume letter to :, fill the “subject” column of the e-mails in this format "Head of Agriculture Solutions_(name of candidate)"
Deadline: Mei 24th, 2024

CDRM&CDS: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer

 The Center for Disaster Risk Management & Community Development Studies (CDRM&CDS) is a faith-based, non-partisan development organization that supports and facilitates humanitarian and development work in service to vulnerable people and communities in the provinces of North and West Sumatra. CDRM&CDS was established in 2007 as a department of the Universitas HKBP Nommensen located in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Working with partner Lutheran churches’ diaconal departments, we seek to transform lives through alleviating poverty, promoting justice, and realising human rights. 

The CDRM&CDS currently seeking for the following position:


Job Title  : Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer

Based in   : Medan



·     To roll out and manage MEAL mechanism as per commitments of CDRM&CDS;

·     To establish, manage and strengthen accountability to beneficiaries which includes capacity building of partner organizations on this theme;

·     To carry out regular field monitoring of program interventions and produce monitoring reports on the given format, conduct debrief sessions with relevant program staff and develop an agreed action plan;

·     To carry out follow-up monitoring visits to materialize actions agreed in the action plan, and

·     To establish and manage Complaint and Feedback Mechanism which facilitate beneficiaries/communities to register complaints and share feedback;

·     To assist the project in carrying out preliminary first inquiry report in case of serious nature of complaints filed by beneficiaries/communities;

·     To maintain complaints and feedback tracking d

·     Database and do follow up on complaints to reach a resolution involving relevant project/program staff;

·     To assist the project in identifying key compliance/quality questions and parameters capitalizing on the existing checklists and minimum standards for monitoring project performance;

·     To assist in reviewing data bases and data tracking tools of diverse projects in order to maintain data quality for collating reliable and consistent data which meets minimum reporting requirements of donors and CDRM&CDS;

·     To assist in planning and implementation of baseline surveys, monitoring and evaluation exercises and impact assessments when needed;


Qualification and Experiences:

·     2-3 years of monitoring evaluation, accountability and learning experience preferably with INGOs

·     At least college degree holder

·     With expertise in databases, MS Office and other analysis software such as SPSS, Kobo Tool or Open Data Kit (ODK)

·     Proficient in report writing and documentation

·     Fluent spoken and excellent skills in written English and Indonesia language

·     Ability to work in challenging environment including travel to remote project areas.

·     Good Interpersonal and Communication skills

·     Knowledge of the local languages in the assigned area will be an added advantage

Closing date of application:

21 May 2024


Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. Interested candidates are advised to send their CV and application to


CDRM&CDS encourages qualified candidates to apply regardless of gender, race, ethnic, religion and disability.

CDRM&CDS promotes gender justice and encourages women to apply.

All practices and procedures reflect CDRM&CDS’s commitment to implement its work based on Child Safeguarding Policy.

Individual Consultants for Public Investment Management Guidelines (PIMG) for the MCA – Indonesia II

 Dear Sir/Madam,


Project Overview

1.     The United States of America and the Republic of Indonesia ("Government") signed a Millennium Challenge Compact II on April 13, 2024 ("Compact II"). The Compact, which will include a $49 million contribution from the Government of Indonesia in addition to the $649 million of MCC grant funding, aims to unlock financing flows in a way that will catalyze economic growth and leverage Indonesia’s own resources. 

2.     The Indonesia Compact aims to address key root causes of costly and underdeveloped financial intermediation by improving the financing of infrastructure, particularly transport and logistics infrastructure, and increasing access to finance for micro-, small and medium enterprises.

3.     The Compact will support three projects to address the binding constraint of costly and underdeveloped financial intermediation: the Advancing Transport and Logistics Accessibility Services (“ATLAS”) Project; the Financial Markets Development Project (“FMDP”); and the Access to Finance for Women-owned / Micro-, Small and Medium Enterprises Project (“MSME Finance Project”).  

4.     MCC requires that all beneficiaries of MCC Funding, including the MCA Entity and any applicants, Bidders, Suppliers, contractors, Subcontractors, consultants, and sub-consultants under any MCC-funded contracts, observe the highest standards of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. MCC’s Policy on Preventing, Detecting and Remediating Fraud and Corruption in MCC Operations (“MCC’s AFC Policy”) is applicable to all procurements and contracts involving MCC Funding and can be found on the MCC website at: 


The MCA Indonesia II now invites Applications from eligible Individual Consultants to provide services as the team of Public Investment Management Guidelines (PIMG) for the following position:

1.     Legal and Regulatory Expert (Ref. No. 2024-40026-IC) _Re-advertised

2.     Development Economist (Ref. No. 2024-40028-IC) _ Re-advertised


For further information and application submission, please see the link and follow the instructions:

Consultants interested in this RFA (Request for Applications) can register by submitting contact details using below link to ensure receive updates regarding the RFA:


Ref No

Position – Re-advertised

Form Register


Legal and Regulatory Expert


Development Economist


Consultants can download the complete RFA (Request for Application) package via the following link:

Ref No

Position – Re-advertised

Download RFA


Legal and Regulatory Expert


Development Economist


Consultant should contact MCA-Indonesia II Procurement Agent at in case of any questions, please write to this email and the deadline for the clarification is until 10 May 2024.

The deadline for submission of Applications is 17.00pm Jakarta, Indonesia time (GMT+7), on 17 May 2024.



Procurement Agent MCAI Indonesia II

TOR Konsultan Baseline Proyek Down Syndrome





Latar Belakang

NLR Indonesia adalah organisasi non-profit nasional anggota aliansi NLR, (dulu Netherlands Leprosy Relief) yang bekerja untuk mendorong dunia tanpa kusta dan mewujudkan masyarakat inklusif bagi penyandang disabilitasPada tahun 2017, Yayasan NLR Indonesia dipercaya menjadi SPO (Strategic Partner Organization) oleh Liliane Foundation (LF) di Indonesia, lembaga non-profit dari Belanda yang memiliki visi mewujudkan masa depan anak-anak dengan disabilitas agar dapat berpartisipasi seoptimal mungkin, baik di rumah maupun di masyarakat. Pendekatan yang dikembangkan adalah dua arah, yakni pengembangan anak dan membuat lingkungan yang aksesibel dengan strategi Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM).


Pada tahun 2019, NLR Indonesia turut mengambangkan intervensi bagi anak dengan Down syndrome. Untuk mengawali proyek DS, asesmen dilaksanakan di 3 wilayah yang mewakili daerah kota besar, kota menengah dan kota kecil untuk mengetahui kondisi anak-anak DS di Indonesia, juga untuk melihat sejauh mana peran masyarakat dan pemerintah dalam menjamin pemenuhan hak-hak anak dan remaja DS serta bagaimana pendekatan CBR berperan dalam intervensi. Hasil dari asesmen tersebut yang digunakan untuk dasar intervensi pada anak dengan DS dan lingkungannya dalam proyek DS di 8 wilayah dampingan. Menjelang akhir periode proyek, sebuah evaluasi akhir serta pembelajaran melalui praktik baik atas segala intervensi yang telah dilakukan dalam proyek DS juga telah dilaksanakan di seluruh wilayah intervensi.


Setelah berjalan selama 5 tahun, proyek DS akan dilanjutkan kembali pada fase baru untuk periode 2024-2026. Proyek akan menggunakan strategi pendekatan yang sama dalam intervensinya, namun akan berkerja sama dengan mitra-mitra organisasi lokal baru di wilayah intervensi baru. Wilayah intervensi serta mitra potensial telah teridentifikasi, yakni di Blitar dan sekitarnya, Surabaya dan sekitarnya, serta Jakarta dan sekitarnya.


Sebelum proyek dimulai, pengumpulan data dasar perlu dilakukan untuk memetakan situasi di wilayah intervensi agar intervensi yang akan dirancang dan diimplementasikan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan, serta tepat sasaran.



Pengumpulan data dasar akan dilakukan melalui kolaborasi antara tim NLR Indonesia dan konsultan eksternal. Data akan dikumpulkan menggunakan metode campuran (mixed-methods). Proses perancangan metode dan pengumpulan data akan dikembangkan dan dilakukan oleh tim NLR Indonesia. Konsultan eksternal akan bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan transkripsi dan analisis data kualitatif dari hasil focus group discussion dan/atau in-depth interview dengan penerima manfaat, termasuk pengkodean, pemilihan kutipan, dan penulisan laporan. Untuk memaksimalkan kepercayaan hasil, instrumen pengumpulan data kualitatif (FGD dan IDI) akan dikembangkan bersama dengan konsultan untuk mengesampingkan pertanyaan yang bias atau mengarah. Selain itu, Tim NLR akan mengumpulkan data kuantitatif dan kemudian melakukan analisis univariat pada data tersebut. Konsultan bertanggung jawab untuk menginterpretasikan hasil pengumpulan data kuantitatif dan mengintegrasikan hasil tersebut dengan kualitatif di dalam laporan. Adapun konsultan yang dibutuhkan dalam kegiatan ini diharapkan memenuhi kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

  1. Minimum 5 tahun pengalaman melaksanakan riset sosial atau kesehatan dan penulisan kajian proyek/program
  2. Memiliki pemahaman yang baik terhadap isu disabilitas, strategi Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) dan advokasi kebijakan penyandang disabilitas khususnya disabilitas intelektual
  3. Memiliki pengalaman dalam melakukan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif, serta menulis hasil integrasi data ke dalam laporan
  4. Berpengalaman dan/atau memiliki pemahaman tentang implementasi proyek-proyek pemberdayaan
  5. Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal, komunikasi yang baik, dan memahami budaya di lokasi pengumpulan data
  6. Fleksibel, responsif terhadap perubahan dan terbuka terhadap masukan
  7. Sangat baik dalam penulisan laporan, baik dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris
  8. Bertanggung jawab untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan hingga pelaporan final

Secara lebih spesifik, konsultan yang terpilih memiliki cakupan tugas sebagai berikut:

  1. Terlibat dalam penyusunan pertanyaan (panduan wawancara) bersama dengan tim NLR Indonesia.
  2. Membuat tranksrip hasil wawancara yang dilakukan oleh NLR Indonesia kepada penerima manfaat di 3 lokasi pengambilan data
  3. Melakukan desk review dan menganalisis data primer dan sekunder yang disediakan oleh NLR Indonesia. Analisis data digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan kunci dalam baseline, diantaranya:
    1. Bagaimana profil anak dan remaja DS di Indonesia secara umum dan wilayah proyek secara spesifik, khususnya di wilayah kerja proyek DS?
    2. Bagaimana kondisi sosial dan ekonomi keluarga yang memiliki anak/remaja DS?
    3. Bagaimana partisipasi anak dan remaja DS dalam lingkungan yang inklusif pada aspek kesehatan, pendidikan, sosial, dan ekonomi/pekerjaan?
    4. Apa hambatan, tantangan, dan peluang untuk melakukan intervensi terhadap anak dan remaja DS beserta keluarganya?
    5. Bagaimana gambaran implementasi RBM yang ada untuk anak dan remaja DS di Indonesia dan rekomendasinya?
    6. Seberapa besar/sejauh apa peran pemangku kepentingan dalam isu disabilitas pada aspek-aspek RBM?
    7. Apa saja rekomendasi strategi yang efektif untuk intervensi anak dan remaja DS berdasarkan temuan penelitian?
  4. Penulisan laporan pengumpulan data dasar (baseline)




Periode/ Tanggal Penyelesaian

#hari kerja konsultan



Penerimaan proposal, anggaran, timeline

3-8 Mei 2024



Kontrak dengan konsultan

13 Mei 2024



Penyusunan instrumen (panduan wawancara) dengan Konsultan

14-15 Mei 2024

2 hari

Internal & Eksternal

Umpan balik untuk draft instruments

17 Mei 2024



Pengiriman instrumen revisi dan laporan insepsi

19 Mei 2024




Desk Review

20-22 Mei 2024

3 hari


Pengumpulan data survey dan kualitatif

20 Mei – 8 Juni 2024




Transkrip dan analisis data

10-16 Juni 2024

7 hari



Penyusunan Laporan

17-24 Jun 2024

8 hari


Pemberian umpan balik untuk laporan

1 Juli 2024



Laporan akhir

6 Juli 2024

5 hari


Presentasi akhir (W/c)

16 Juli 2024

1 hari



How to Apply

NLR Indonesia mengundang lembaga maupun individu untuk menjadi konsultan dalam pengumpulan data dasar ini. Pelamar yang tertarik diharapkan mengirim proposal Kandidat konsultan mengirim aplikasi dengan subject: Proposal Pengumpulan Data Dasar_Down Syndrome Project_Nama Instansi ke: sebelum jam 5 sore di hari Rabu8 Mei 2024 dengan melampirkan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan berikut ini:

  1. Profil Organisasi (untuk konsultan institusional).
  2. Proposal terdiri dari:
  1. Proposal Teknis yang terdiri dari deskripsi kegiatan yang diusulkan, metodologi analisis data kualitatif dan rencana pengelolaan data untuk integrasi data kuantitatif dan kualitatif, yang mencakup jadwal analisis, penulisan, hingga pengiriman laporan akhir. Proposal teknis harus menunjukkan pemahaman tentang isu disabilitas, strategi Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat (RBM) dan advokasi kebijakan penyandang disabilitas khususnya disabilitas intelektual. Proposal juga perlu menunjukkan pemahaman dalam pelaksanakan riset sosial atau kesehatan dan/atau penulisan kajian proyek/program (dengan pendekatan mixed-method) dalam format Ms. Word.
  2. Kualifikasi penulis dan CV.
  3. Proposal Anggaran terdiri dari rincian rencana anggaran (dalam format Ms. Excel)
  4. Contoh laporan menggunakan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif sebelumnya.


Berdasarkan proposal yang diterima, NLR Indonesia akan memilih kandidat dan mengundang mereka untuk mempresentasikan proposal mereka. NLR Indonesia kemudian akan melanjutkan dengan memilih dan menunjuk konsultan.


Catatan: Hanya konsultan terpilih yang akan dihubungi untuk direkrut